

Here is Miley's last post on her "GET UR GOOD ON" -blog!

Get Ur Good On for Breast Cancer Awareness MonthPosted by Miley Cyrus on September 14, 2010 at 2:27pm

Hi everyone! Next moth, I want to see how you’re getting ur good on for Breast Cancer Awareness Month through our latest contest on GetUrGoodOn.org. Visit the contest page to find out how you can win a Get Ur Good On t-shirt or

poster autographed by me. I’m getting my own good on for Breast Cancer Awareness Month with City of Hope in a bunch of different ways. Check back next week for an exciting way in which you can join me!

My mom is also getting her good on to support City of Hope and their women's cancers programs. Starting in September and during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, she’s helping raise awareness among girls and women about all types of women’s cancer and wants people to join the movement. Find out more about women’s cancers and how to get involved on City of Hope’s site: http://womenscancers.cityofhope.org/. There are tons of ways to get involved and give.

Xoxoxoxo Miley

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